Here are my notes from tonights' TAG meeting.
Regarding the ABC event it was voted on that we would print more posters and not print any postcards or flyers. The Reps. voted on the submitted art work and Regina Murphy's painting of people viewing art at an art festival was selected.
Good photos, as a representation of your art work submitted with application for ABC, will be accepted as an alternative to digital media and/slides.
There is a publicity committee of six people in place. We need someone to volunteer to serve as the publicity chair.The Reps. were asked to ask for a volunteer from their respecitve groups. If anyone would from Mid-Del Art Guild would like to chair this committee please contact me (Pat Pearson; 732-4977.
TAG is also asking that each member group, in order to have representation, to be sure they have their new Reps. by Oct. 1st, if their present reps.are leaving. There should be three reps from each member group.
One of TAG's goals is to find a permanent home with enough space each group to conduct their regular meetings, workshops, classes, exhibitions, and have office and storage space. All of this information is being compiled to help facilitate our search for sponsors and the ideal location.
The Rink is still being discussed as a semi-permanent place to house all of TAG's member groups. It has plenty of room for everyone and the owners are willing to work with us on our needs. It will eventually have an indoor cafe/coffee shop.
The compilation of the TAG directory is complete and I will let everyone know when to expect their directory.
This concludes my report.