Saturday, February 11, 2006



Sheila Minnich at First National Bank of Del City

Betty Shaw at Campus Corner Coffee Shop

Cindy Van Kley at Lupe's Mexican Restaurant

Lou Dennard at Holland Realtors

Support your fellow members by visiting their art venue and let them know you saw it.


I stopped at a new coffee shop called "the underground" the owner Jacob Hussain is very interested in having local artists show their work for sale. He has an artist showing now that will sale on commission. He is going to talk it over with his ?wife?, co-owner about letting Mid-Del Artists hanging there. It may be for a small commission if the artist is selling. You would just have to be sure to figure the commission into your sale price.

If we do happen to pick up this venue, I strongly suggest having at the least a very simple contract type agreement between you, the artist, and the venue owner. Have two copies and both parties sign both copies.

I am still needing a volunteer artist to help me set up the venue at the Midwest Medical Group. It is located just north of S. E. 15th on S. Douglas Blvd. turn west at the traffic light at Wonga Dr.

We would go together near the end of their day, so we would not have to wait very long. You would need to bring your art and be ready to hang. I can only suggest to bring about 7-10 pieces of original framed art. They have been very hard to pin down on the exact number of art works they can handle. They need a little nudging.

Don't let your tools gather dust. Keep creating happy.


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